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P. 131

The Annual Audit Subcommittee Report
             from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022

             The Audit Subcommittee has performed their duties as assigned by the Board of directors of Office of Small and Medium Enterprises
             Promotion (OSMEP) conforming to the appointment order on June 29, 2021, and the appointment order on October 10, 2022 for
             substitution of resigned Audit Subcommittee with the Ministry of Finance Guidelines on Internal Auditing Standards and Practices
             for the Government Agencies of the year 2018 revised up to the year 2021 (edition 3rd). The list names of the Audit Subcommittee
             and the meeting attendance details are shown as follows:

                   The List names of         The Position in Audit Subcommittee            the Meeting
                 the Audit Subcommittee                                                 Attendance (times)

               Ms. Nangnoi Charoenthaveesub  Chairlady of the Audit Subcommittee               8/8
               Mr. Olarn Weranond 1          Member of Audit Subcommittee                      3/8

               Mr. Theerapat Prayurasiddhi 2  Member of Audit Subcommittee                     2/8
               Mrs. Ubolsri Punyaratabandhu  Member of Audit Subcommittee                      8/8
             1   The member of Board of the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP) Committee resigned from the Audit Subcommittee on April 19, 2022
             2   The member of Board of the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP) Committee was appointed on  September 23, 2022 according to the order of appointment dated
               on October 10, 2022

             The Audit Subcommittee has performed their duties with knowledge, capability, and experience with professional due care and
             independence for the maximum benefit of the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP). There were 8 meetings
             and a work performance was summarized from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, as follows:

             1. Reviewing financial reports                    2. Monitoring the internal audit activities of the Internal
                                                                 Audit Group and internal audit work plan
             The Audit Subcommittee acknowledged the audit results by the
             State Audit Office of the Kingdom of Thailand (SAO) for the financial     The Audit Subcommittee considered the independence and
             statements of the year, which ended on December 31, 2021,   sufficiency of resources in the Internal Audit Group. Furthermore,
             which were unqualified opinion. The Audit Subcommittee also   they had reviewed the internal audit group's work plan and
             attended the meeting held with the SAO on November 22, 2022   monitored internal audit team to finish their audit work as year
                                                               planned. The Audit Subcommittee also acknowledged the
             The Audit Subcommittee collaborate discussed SAO and give   internal audit findings and monitored to improve the internal
             advice to OSMEP to finish financial statements earlier within     control as management delegated to conduct by determined
             timeframe.  Additionally,  the  Audit  Subcommittee  also    action plan.
             recommended OSMEP to prepare quarterly financial statements
             according to the OSMEP accounting rules of the year 2001.

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