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P. 82
Satisfaction Survey of Stakeholders
in the Fiscal Year 2022
Satisfaction categorized by Stakeholders Classified by 6 groups of Stakeholders Loyalty to the
with different roles and levels service of OSMEP
towards OMSEP. “Positive attitude of customers
Top 3 Expectations higher than toward organization service
MSME 1. Apply the information obtained Overview of Loyalty Level
entrepreneur towards OSMEP was at a high
86.65% from OSMEP to adapt to business level with returning rate to use
operations. service at 88.71%
2. Congressional liaison support. 88.71%
Committee 3. Complaints
Sub-committee 58.53%
Top 3 Expectations higher than Word of Mouth has a lower NPS
satisfaction. value with standards of the
1. Professional administration consulting agency in the United
2. Transparent performance effect on States, which sets the average
at 68% but still has a higher
one’s performance. median than the service industry
3. The operation is following the rules. (Professional Service) of U.S. with
Assessment PS value was calculated at 58.53%.
Agency Top 3 Satisfaction above expectation, Therefore, it is assumed that
86.45% 90% including: be on the “Good” level.
Satisfaction rate
is at highest level 1. Advice or answers to questions The bond of OSMEP
at average 4.32 points are given entirely. The bond is considered an
(from 2,010 respondents) 2. There's coordination in joint attitude toward an organization,
operations. an agency that reflects on the
3. Information or explanation is dimension of confidence in
Partner provided about the task that is different dimensions linked with
agency easy to understand. dependence and loyalty. If both
85.50% parts are met, there will be
“an organization engagement
1. There's coordination in joint in the long run.”
operations. 90.22% 89.82%
2. Process of operation or service to
meet the deadline. 90.22% 89.11%
3. Event facilities
Joint Agency
Contracting Agency 90% 82.42%
84% 1. There's coordination in joint
Overall bond
2. Information or explanation is performance at 89.11%
University provided about the task that is When considered all stakeholder
Institute People easy to understand.
82% by each group, bond performance
3. Application of knowledge. is high in every group.
Recommendations for Improvement and Development of OSMEP’s operations and services
Development aspect Urgent Short term Long term
• The communication in the main channel must be accurate.
• Develop a complaint channel.
• Develop clear documentation, reporting, data, and achievement systems.
• Develop platform communication channels for public relations and make MSME easy to access.
• Clarify project criteria, methods, procedures, and timelines with stakeholders.
• Deliver projected within the specified time.
• Develop facilities for the stakeholders to carry out the activities.
• Establish a monitoring system for participating in activities with OSMEP using a real-time tracking system.
• The organization is also managed professionally, transparently, and effectively following government policies.
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