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The Operation of OSMEP Strategic Plan
                            of Year 2022

             Improvement of OSMEP’s Strategic Plan Goals for Year 2022

                1           During the 8  meeting of the Board of Directors of the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP) held on July 27, 2021, the
                            action plan for the year 2022 was officially endorsed. The plan sets a target of supporting 301,884 entrepreneurs, with a focus on enhancing
                            the economic value of 8,596.0028 million baht. Moreover, the plan also includes the development of evaluation indicators to assess OSMEP’s
                            performance across various domains.

                            During the 9  meeting of the Board of Directors held on August 9, 2022, the meeting approved extending the operation period of the
                2           2022, has been extended to September 30, 2023. The board approved an extension of the period for utilizing the budget amount for requesting
                            entrepreneur promotion program through the BDS system for the fiscal year 2022. The original end date of the program, which was September 30,
                            assistance and subsidizing small and medium enterprises. Previously, the budget could be used 6 months from the contract signing date, with
                            the August 31, 2022 deadline. However, this has been revised to allow the usage of the budget for assistance and subsidies until September
                            30, 2023. The Board of Directors also approved overlapping payments following the regulations governing the receipt and disbursement of
                            funds from the Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Fund, B.E. 2544, Article 28. These measures are put in place to ensure the smooth
                3           implementation of the project until the designated project period concludes.

                            Board of Directors at the meeting No. 10/2022 on September 27, 2022, a resolution was approved to improve the OSMEP’s operational plan
                            goals for 2022 in Strategy 3, to create an entrepreneurial society to grow and go international. The number of entrepreneurs has increased
                            from 18,434 to 12,910, and the overall economic value has increased from 8,596.0028 million baht to 7,311 million baht.

                     Strategy 1                      Goal 2022 Achievement              Strategy 2
                     Enhancing MSME Data Integration   Original economic value          Developing mechanisms to
                                                                                        promote access to MSME
                     in Thailand with Big Data        8,569.0028 million baht           and local economy
                                                         New target:
                           HIP                         7,311 million baht                 Smart Service
             Target  Economic value of 6,000 million baht                       Target  Economic value of 265 million baht

              Indicators              2022                                      Indicators             2022
              1.  Number of high-impact   1 subject                             3.  Number of MSMEs accessing   283,450 cases
                measures / plans being executed                                   online and offline services
                (High Impact Measures / Plans).                                   Economic value    195 million bath

              2.  Development of MSME database. 1 data base                     4.  Development and upgrade   4 systems
                                                                                  of the support system and
                                                                                  connection to ecosystems for
                     Strategy 4                     HIP                           Smart Service                     Smart SME                             business operations
                     Driving the organizational                                   Economic value    70 million bath
                     into a High Performance
                     (High Performance Agency)           Organization                   Strategy 3
                     Smart Organization                                                 Expanding and internationalizing
                Target     Develop the organization to                                  a society of entrepreneurs
                      have higher potential.
                                                                                           Smart SME
              Indicators             2022

              6.  Revolving Fund Evaluation Result. 4.15 point  Result          Target  Economic value of 1,046 million baht
                                                    The percentage of entrepreneurs   Indicators        2022
              7.  Improvement of key processes. 10 processes  receiving assistance and
                                                     development from OSMEP     5.  The number of new entrepreneurs  12,910 cases
              8.  Development of technology   2 systems  has increased potential by     and SME entrepreneurs who
                systems for use in operations.           at least 70-80%          have developed their potential

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