Page 51 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
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Background of OSMEP Strategic Plan

             OSMEP has developed a comprehensive strategic plan for 5 years    As per the Ad hoc master plan under the national strategy in response
             during the last three periods. The initial phase, spanning from 2007 to   to the COVID-19 in 2021-2022, there is a strategy to enhance the country’s
             2011, was followed by Phase 2 from 2012 to 2016. Currently, OSMEP   potential in three key aspects: “Readiness” (Cope), “Adjustment”
             has formulated an action plan for 2022, which aligns with Phase 3,     (Adapt), and “Transformation” (Transform). This strategy emphasizes the
             encompassing the period from 2017 to 2022. Notably, due to the impact   country’s economic reform plan, as stated in the Revised Edition of the
             of the COVID-19 in 2021-2022, the plan's duration has been extended   12  National Economic and Social Development Plan and the Small and
             to align with the ad hoc master plan under the national strategy.  Medium Enterprise Promotion Plan for 2021-2022. The primary objectives
                                                               aimed to foster MSME entrepreneurs to overcome challenges and revive
                                                               businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This involves issues
                                                               such as business downsizing and workforce reduction. The plans also
             The connection                                    enable SMEs to thrive by preparing them to compete effectively in the
             of different plan levels                          evolving economic landscape, especially online trading. The ultimate
                                                               goal is to ensure the longevity and sustainability of SMEs by facilitating
                               Level 1                         their readiness, which entails implementing necessary amendments
                                                               to laws, regulations, and policies to streamline business operations.
                                 Strategy 2
                National Strategy  Competitive capabilities
                                                                              Mitigating problems and restoring businesses
                                                                อยุู่รอดำ     impact from COVID-19 situation.
                               Level 2                                        >> respond to a situation

                                                                                    Establishing SME readiness for
                                                                     อยุู่เป็น      new economic competitiveness.
                                                                                    >> Ready to compete when the
                                                12  National                        business recovered
                Master Plan 8     Economic
                                             Economic and Social
                MSME Operator  Reformation Plan                               Transform
                                              Development Plan                           Business environment
                                                                           อยุู่ยุาว     adjustment to facilitate SME
                                                                                         >> Comprehensive state service
               Master Plan under the   Economic                 GDP SME
                National Strategy,   Reformation Plan        Increases by 35%
              resulting from COVID-19  B.E. 2564-2565          (NEW HIGH)
                 B.E. 2564-2565
                               Level 3
                                                                                Management   Management   Management
                                                                               committee approval  committee agree   committee
                               5-Year SME Master Plan                                      and support  agree
              SME Act                                       Enhancing SME Growth
                                          SME Act (B.E. 2564-2565)               Act 20(1)  Act 11(1)  Act 11(1)

                                SME Promotion Plan                               Act 20(1)  Act 20(5)   Act 37
              SME Act                                         Support SME and              Act 11(5)
                                  SME Promotion Plan (B.E. 2564-2565)  related agencies              Announced
                                                                               Section 20(3)(5)  The last
                                                                                                      in the
                                                                                (3)  Approve   paragraphs of Act   Royal Gazette
                                                                                Operation Plan  20. MSME can
                              OSMEP Plan B.E. 2560-2565      Develop organization   And annual   Operate and
                                                             capabilities to meet   expenditure.  Budget spending
                                                                                (5) Consider
                                       OSMEP Plan B.E. 2565     the goal set   Funding allocation  that approved by
                                                                                          the committee
                                                                                           Annual Report OSMEP 2022  49
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