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Outcome of Achievement by metrics
                          under OSMEP Action Plan for 2022

                                              511 Example case, including  Classified by Business Type and Business size
                                          Juristic person          164

                Gain an advantage   1.57%
              from OSMEP SME Project         Individual            173
                  participation                                                          117
                                            Registered                                           47
                                         according to the
                                         requirements of           174
                                          other agencies
                                                                                 Micro   Medium  Small
                                                                                 Business  Business  Business

                 Top 5 Better             Top 5 Problems, Obstacles, and Suggestions about OSMEP services
               Business aspects
                                     Problem and Obstacles                 Suggestions
                                     1. Less public relations and no update.  1. Establish the public relation to promote the
                                     2. Inaccessible, no contact channel.    OSMEP Project.
                                     3. No support when the project ended.   2. Provide a source of funds / low-interest funds.
                  84.10%             4. No follow-up after training.       3. Provide continuous training time.
                                                                           4. Improve communication with the congressman
                                     5. The approval project takes long duration to
                Better business plan   approve.                              / Easier to get in touch.
                to support changes                                         5. Expand marketing channels.
                                                           5 Additional OSMEP Services

            Personnel achieve advance skills
                                      Provide a source   Expand marketing   Expand business   Experts needed   Conduct Online
                                        of funds /     channels.   channel / offline   to be ready for   Selling Training /
                                       low-interest                selling / product   assistance.  Create content /
                                         funds.                      exhibition.                Online platform
            Product development / Services   Recommendations for MSME Promotion by OSMEP are divided as follows:
              to respond customer needs
                                      1        Operation   Establish market channels  The lecturer should have knowledge and practical
                                                                                Develop modern curriculum for MSME
                                                           Online Sales Training
                                                        Develop product to sell abroad  The consultant ready to assist at the operation location
                                      2       Knowledge  The lecturer must have extensive experience  Online training
             Goods / services are accepted                  Being diverse and up to date  Establish Online YouTube Channel

                                                           Knowledge assessable at all time

                  77.34%                                  Emphasizes on SME Big Data database data, including database implementation.

                Adapt to change at    3       Organization   This will give MSME confidence in OSMEP and enhance loyalty. Also, be attached to
                   all situation                           an MP. The database should be up-to-date, accurate, and timely in the long run.

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