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Related studies and Policy recommendations

                            for MSME Driven to minimize barriers towards
                            MSME’s Business Operation.

                     Laws Conducive to Business Operations

             Digital Industry
                                                                 (4)   Air Navigation Act B.E. 2497, the registration issue of aircraft
             The study revealed that :                              without pilots, known as drones, must be registered with 2 agencies :
             •  The law is not conducive to business operations causing inequality in the   the Civil Aviation Authority (Registration of drone pilots) and NBTC
               competition among operators in the digital industry, including :  (Registration for permission to use the frequency) which take a long
               (1)   According to the Organization for Frequency Allocation and Regulating   time to complete. Entrepreneurs have high operating costs. In addition,
                  Radio and Broadcasting and Telecommunications Business Act B.E.   a wireless access point (IoT) communicates in the 2.4 GHz band with
                  2553 and its amendments, due to the present broadcasting of sound   attached antennas, and requires a separate license from the device.
                  or television programs, movies, and videos can be carried out through   This requires two additional permits, which hinder the interpretation
                  the Internet network without frequency. Such service providers of this   of customs tariffs. Additionally, drones weighing more than 25
                  nature are not under the supervision of this Act.  kilograms must be approved first. As a result, consumers choose to
               (2)   Broadcasting and Television Business Act B.E. 2551 is not under the   import lighter drones from abroad. This makes drone manufacturers
                  supervision of this Act. As a result, the broadcast of images or sounds   in Thailand disadvantaged by foreign drone manufacturers.
                  is not verified as a material broadcast of public interest or not, while
                  broadcasting operators using spectrum are monitored and supervised.  Suggestion on the issues of 4 Acts
               (3)   According to the Radio Communications Act B.E. 2549 and its     The paragraph pertains to the Act on Organization for Allocation of Frequency
                  amendments.  A  radio  communication  machine  has  diverse    Spectrum and Regulating Radio and Broadcasting and Telecommunications
                  capabilities, whether body temperature sensor system, Heart   Business B.E. 2553, along with matters concerning the Broadcasting Business
                  rate monitors, such as the Apple Watch, but the definition of    Act B.E. 2551. It addresses the roles and responsibilities of the Office of
                  “radiocommunication equipment” does not include devices with such   the Broadcasting Commission concerning television business and national
                  functionality. For this reason, it causes medical device limitations if   telecommunications.
                  IoT devices communicate in the 2.4 GHz band with attached antennas.     Guidelines for regulating television broadcasting and telecommunication
                  There is often a problem that the license is used separately from the   operators should be considered using frequencies for sound or television
                  device. This forces operators to apply for one IoT device license and   broadcasting to be consistent with service providers that broadcast
                  another peripheral device license, which hinders the interpretation   images or sounds via Internet networks without using frequencies.
                  of customs tariffs.                              A mechanism should be built to monitor the dissemination of images and
                                                                  sounds via the Internet to prevent content and copyright infringement.
                                                                   Direct cooperation with the Internet Service Provider should be

                                                               For the Radio Communications Act B.E. 2549, the Office of the Broadcasting
                                                                   The definition of “Radio communications” should be improved to keep
                                                                  up with today's technology. At present, radio communications have a
                                                                  wide range of capabilities so that the law can be regulated following
                                                                  the operations of current operators.
                                                                   The import declaration should clearly define product groups that connect
                                                                  wirelessly in all frequency bands.
                                                                   Wireless-connected licenses should be included, and the antenna license
                                                                  that is attached to the IoT device. Hence, requesting a duplicate license
                                                                  is unnecessary because it is considered the same device.

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